बुधबार, माघ २, २०८१
16:46 | २२:३१

Britain and Nepal NGO Network Conference held at the Nepali Embassy, London

नेपाली लिङ्क अप्रिल २७, २०२४

London – On 17th April the Britain and Nepal NGO Network (BRANNGO) held a conference at the Nepali Embassy in London.

The morning programme consisted of presentations by several UK Non-Government Organisations and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). In his address, Ambassador of Nepal to the UK, HE Gyan Chandra Acharya, emphasised the importance of international contact in improving Nepal’s economy, development and education, particularly with regards to the situation and circumstances of women and girls. He recognised that involving people in Britain who know and understood Nepal, such as those in the audience, contributed a great deal in support of the Nepal Government’s efforts. He added that a recent visit to Nepal by the UK Minister of State for Development, Andrew Mitchell, had gone very well and cemented relationships between the two countries.

An Memorandum of Understanding was signed between BRANNGO and the Nepal Federatie Nederland, a similar organisation in Holland, during the conference. Chairman of BRANNGO, Nick Hinton, highlighted this as a significant step forward in widening the scope of international collaboration between NGOs working in Nepal, and said he expected similar agreements to be put in place before long to bring together organisations in the UK and those in other countries that will further improve the help and support they can deliver to those in need in Nepal and in support of Nepal Government’s development policies and programmes.

A major benefit for those attending was the opportunity to network and plan collaboration with other attendees. With this in mind, after a delicious Nepali curry lunch provided by the ‘Happy Gurkha’ restaurant, the afternoon consisted of break-out sessions focused on Health, Education, Risk Management and Environmental matters. Wide-ranging discussions came up with a numerous suggestions, ideas and advice on how to address the aim of the conference, which was ‘How can British NGOs working in Nepal meet the global challenges of 2024 and beyond?’

“The conclusions will be shared with other BRANNGO members who were unable to attend the conference, and thereby help a large number of UK NGOs to deliver help and support more efficiently and effectively to those in Nepal who require it,” said Mr Hinton.

The next major BRANNGO Conference will take place on 21 November at the British Embassy in Kathmandu. Those wishing to know more or take part can register an interest via the BRANNGO website (www.branngo.org.uk).


सम्बन्धित सामग्रीहरू